
Dear reader,

How time flies when you're having fun ... we're now at the end of October 2015 and this brings to a close the first full month in existence of the Chameleon Brain Blog!

It also winds up my first ever month of running a blog and getting into the habit of writing and publishing articles on topics that I find wondering around my brain ... and, last time I looked, there appeared to be a lot of them!

Growing a new blog is not something you can do on your own though and that's why I am always grateful to you as readers when you choose to forward a newsletter to someone or hit the Social Media Share icons at the end of each article. So, if you've not already done so, please think of one person in your life who you think might enjoy Chameleon Brain and forward this newsletter to them?

This weeks sees another new blog post and this time I found myself knee deep in the hot topic of email overload ... something pretty much all of us contend with on a daily basis. But, have you ever tried reversing the direction that your finger is pointing in when you lament the endless tide of emails that arrive in your inbox? In doing this, I found myself somewhat more guilty than I had previously thought and this is driving me at the moment to find ways to improve how I use email ... let me know if it strikes a chord with you too? See the first blog post link below for the article 'The Credit Card Approach To Communication'.

And as this is the end of the month, I have also linked the other blog posts that appeared since the site was formally launched on 2 October 2015 ... all the more reason to perhaps consider forwarding this email to a friend, work colleague or your team perhaps?

Thank you!


Our Latest Blog Post!

Credit Card GTD

The Credit Card Approach to Communication

My working life has traversed the pre-email era through to our modern email and social media dominated approaches to communications. How about you? And if you have lived life both with and without email in your life, have you ever pondered whether it was all worth it? Did we really achieve all that we thought we would with this wow …

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Previous blog posts since Chameleon Brain was launched on 2 October 2015

... catch up on the month's blog posts through the links below!

creativity comfortable worker

Sitting Comfortably? That's a Pity!

There's no such thing as a one size fits all approach to how we live our lives. We're all different people with differing likes and dislikes and so, stipulating a single way to do anything is pretty much pointless. What works for me won't necessarily work for you, I get that. But, have you ever thought about what REALLY works for …

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It's Not Really About Getting Things Done

It's Not Really About Getting Things Done

The message behind a personal productivity approach such as the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology of David Allen may at first appear to be seen as one pushing you to become ever more efficient as if that, in itself, is the solution to gaining more control in your life. But that would be a disservice to the approach and the …

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Brain Profiling - Who Wants To Go First?

Brain Profiling - Who Wants To Go First?

OK, someone has to go first ... so here's my '4 Quadrant Brain Profile'. And if you need a reminder about what the 4 Quadrants indicate, check the image below or the Introduction To Thinking Preferences article: And if you're not familiar with the terminology, a check of the above images will indicate the simple approach to identifying any particular quadrant …

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GTD Shopping List

What You Can Learn From Your Grocery List

Strange title for a post I know! But a couple of years ago I was explaining GTD to someone and they rather neatly summed it up by saying 'so what you're telling me, is that I need to keep a shopping list for my groceries?'. And I kind of had to agree with them! How Do Most People Handle Their Grocery …

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GTD Get Organized

My Personal Experience of Implementing GTD

Whenever you start something new, you never really know what your getting yourself into right? Sure, you read up about it and it sounds interesting and workable but, will it get added to the junk heap of things you've tried just a few days or even hours from now? But with GTD I had a different feeling right from the …

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Why I Started Out With GTD

Why I Started Out With GTD

If you've ever felt the need to take control of life and better handle the gazillion inputs that keep coming into your life then an implementation of David Allen's 'Getting Things Done' (GTD) methodology can be a great place to start. (First edition was in 2002 and a revised edition was issued in 2015.) Before I implemented GTD in my …

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• For anything announced site-wide: this is the main newsletter that you sign up with off the homepage, the list is titled 'Chameleon Brain'

• Specifically for when Brain Profiling posts are made: the list is titled 'Brain Profiling'

• Specifically for when a Personal Productivity / GTD post is added: the list is titled 'GTD'

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