
Dear reader,

There aren't many people who truly feel they are free of mental stress, those nagging thoughts that keep popping up at random moments about things you can't really do much about right now ... it's as though most of us live with our minds on constant alert, trying to remember everything we've got to do.

But have you ever wondered about the effect this has on those around you? Your work colleagues? Partner? Or kids?

With the metaphor of a 'Messy Brain', this week's post asks that question and suggests what you can do about tidying it up, because it can be done!


Our Latest Blog Post!

GTD Cluttered Mind

How Messy Is YOUR Brain?

Do you know the feeling of being constantly distracted by thoughts of things you've got to do? Thoughts of what you need to remember to tell someone tomorrow, or what you need to do when you get to the office, or what you think you forgot to do today before you left the office? It can be a constant 24/7 …

Read more.


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