
Dear reader,

The principles by which we take on and succeed at a new diet have a lot in common with adopting and maintaining something like David Allen's 'Getting Things Done' (GTD) methodology ... in each case it's about trying to change something quite fundamental about ourselves and that's not something most of us find too easy to do.

Check out this month's Blog Post for some insights on our individual behaviours, how they affect our ability to stick to a plan and what you need to look for to succeed at GTD.


Our Latest Blog Post!

GTD & Dieting

Diets & What They Teach Us About GTD

There aren't many of us, male or female, who have not at some point made note of a bulging waist line and decided that it was time to do something about it. And most of us will have made some attempt at changing our diet for a period in the hope of fitting into those jeans we used to so …

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