Please Make Sure You Are Subscribed To The Right List(s)!
The aim of the site is not just for me to post information but to encourage a discussion between like minded people, i.e. with you!
I'd like to ensure that you are on the lists you want to be on, so, in this first post, am suggesting that you click the link below and ensure the correct boxes for you are ticked:
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As a reminder, you can currently choose to receive emails in one of three ways:
• For anything announced site-wide: this is the main newsletter that you sign up with off the homepage, the list is titled 'Chameleon Brain'
• Specifically for when Brain Profiling posts are made: the list is titled 'Brain Profiling'
• Specifically for when a Personal Productivity / GTD post is added: the list is titled 'GTD'
You can of course subscribe to more than one list.
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