
Dear reader,

Greetings once again from the Chameleon Brain website ... and thank you for signing up to receive these weekly emails alerting you to the newest Blog Posts on the site.

I know myself from having signed up to a number of blogs over the years how difficult it can sometimes be to keep up with the rate at which the email alerts arrive and all the new content that they contain. Well, it's not my intention to overwhelm your inboxes and so the aim is to keep these to a once-a-week alert of any new posts that I think you might find interesting ... I hope this works for you!

While here though, I would like to encourage you to start posting your own views by leaving comments on the various Blog Posts. So, in addition to having signed up to this email list to also consider registering with the site as a 'user' so that you can start making your own comments on the posts or start new discussion threads in the forum. More info on this is also below.

This week I have tackled a topic that I often find coming as a question from GTD newbies and that is to understand something about why they should consider investing the time in it if all it does is make them more efficient with the result that they take on more work and enter a never ending cycle! It's important to see something like GTD in the right perspective, so please have a read of the Blog Post below and let me know your views on the topic!

Best regards,


Our Latest Blog Post!

GTD life vest

It's Not Really About Getting Things Done

The message behind a personal productivity approach such as the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology of David Allen may at first appear to be seen as one pushing you to become ever more efficient as if that, in itself, is the solution to being in control in your life. But that would be a disservice to the approach and the …

Read more.


Want To Comment On The Blog Posts?

For this you need to register as a user on the site (different to subscribing to the email lists) and this can be done here: Register so I can post comments.

It requires me to subsequently OK your registration request but that is simply to protect the site from the hackers and, once done, you can post comments in reply to any Blog Post on the site or start your own thread of discussion on the Chameleon Brain Forum.

So please sign up, I would love to hear from you!


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As a reminder, you can choose to receive emails in one of three ways:

• For anything announced site-wide: this is the main newsletter that you sign up with off the homepage, the list is titled 'Chameleon Brain'

• Specifically for when Brain Profiling posts are made: the list is titled 'Brain Profiling'

• Specifically for when a Personal Productivity / GTD post is added: the list is titled 'GTD'

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